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Omg!! new best final score in 54 minutes, 186 points!!

'Cheeetos says Thanks to all who helped with this by cheering me on' 

old records: nashua 145, cheetos 130, nashua 109

Profile - Killer
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Email floris_vdblom@wanadoo.nl
MSN floris_vdblom@wanadoo.nl
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Website http://clanmor.co.nr
Posts 2
Comments what about old ;) this is very old 1 :P... (09/12/2004)
well done hah, very nice score :) ... (07/06/2004)
this is maybe a good final score but 145... (07/05/2004)
nice score Expo :) cu, killer... (07/05/2004)
i will send a nice score 2 131 - 25 :P ... (07/05/2004)
hey lup, nice score that were in tha good... (06/01/2004)
heya 333, Why do u have 2 do that :'(... (05/27/2004)
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