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This is the first apparition of 333 in the arena!
it was the 11 of April 2004! wearing the old tag style! lol! :)

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Score Shots 2004 (17) Score Shots 2005 (2)
Best Final Score: Cheetos 130

Our best final score goes up!! 130 for cheetos!! well done!

old records: nashua 109

Hits : 28763
4 Comments - 4/5 - Votes : 1
Posted on 05 June 2004 at 18:04:57 by Cheeetos.  0/5

I know will be beaten, but ill just come bak and beat it again! Maybe :p Moaha ty for putting up
Posted on 12 September 2004 at 16:02:55 by Killer.  4/5

what about old ;) this is very old 1 :P greetzz killer
Posted on 18 October 2004 at 22:03:54 by Cheeetos.  0/5

idd m8 - sooo old but it got a high score so Moahaha :p
Posted on 02 November 2004 at 23:53:44 by GinG.  0/5

hm.... nice score ..but isnt this the capture the flag map ??? if its so .. if beaten ur score a few times anyway :> but nevertheless nice :)
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