Great great score for XMan in 99 minutes of playing no stop!!! wooo :)
New member, clan wars and new records!
Site News...Posted on 03 October 2004 at 17:57:00 by Stema.
Hi guys, first of all im glad to introduce u our new member: ladies and gentlemen...Night Tolas King Master Blaster joined us!!
In the meanwhile we won a weird clan war with Wod (3-0), very good clan but sometimes too much "talkative" and another one with 222 (4-0): we hope to train again with 222,cos they r getting very skilled and we need a lot to train team play! All team did very well in both wars, expecially the newcomers Night and Cheeetos and the "old" one Luc_I who did some impressive scores. U will find demos on our download section and some screenies and comments in the forums.
Finally the score shots chart: Impiro did a great record with 1-24. Dolphin beat his own record with 5-44 and a great 2-24 for Gigs in the high ping section!
Still trying to organize the european league for the 2005. If u havent yet, pls vote the poll in the forums and let us know if u'd partecipate!
MADNESS comming soon on the news will be !222! site ha then !222! will win european league then u will all want to be in my clan hahahaha own u all later