
  333 Memebers: Ina - 3/9/2025 3:46:06 PM CET   
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 U told me i suck, thus i will leave quake!

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Wow!! winning a 10 points 2v2 match in 1 minute is a great record! Well done dutch and brave!

Real Name  Iliana
Also known  Ina
Location  Bulgaria
Born  1990
Sex  Female
I like  my family, my friends, listening to music
 (esp. bulgarian pop-folk music :D ), dancing,
 shopping, eating steaks, pizzas and
 chocolate, going out with friends, the summer
 and the spring,  the beach, the sea, kind
people and ofc.... playing QUAKE 3 :)
I dislike  drugs, rude and agressive people (esp. in
 lies, insects, dishes consist of onion,
garlic or carrots
Fav. Motto  "A friend is not the one who wipe away your
 tears, but the one who doesn't give you
 reasons to cry"
 (I'm not sure about the translation)
And: "What you give is what you get returned"


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