
  333 Memebers: Stema - 9/8/2024 2:50:12 AM CET   
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Nice score for spc, 13 points in less than a minute is brillant!
n1 spc!

Real Name  Stefano
Also known  Tarzan, Suckness
Location  Milan - Italy
Born  1975
Sex  Male
I like  - soccer (GO INTER GO) and motors (ferrari and
   valentino rossi!)
 - kundera, marquez, vonnegut and many 
   italian writers
 - kusturika and the italian cinema
 - dylan, cat steven, clapton, knopfler...
 - all pastas (eating and cooking) and BEER!!
 - travelling where i've never been, and meet ppl
I dislike  hollywood films, applepie pizza  (bleahh!),
 mcdonald's food, not-italian coffee, whiskey.
Fav. Motto   it's not because things are difficult 
 that we don't dare; its because we don't dare
 that things are difficult.

the place i usually play quake at (lol, jk!)

when i was young!! :)
(...yeah, i missed the ball!!!)

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