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mmmhh well i think he doesnt cheat indeed...but i have some little dubts...we all know your_butt, he is nice and i've never doubted of him...but this time...his score...theres is something strange... what do u think? does he cheat? :P
Score Shots 2004
Here u can find scores that were in our score shots chart in the 2004

Screenshots - Sub-categories
Final High Ping Chart 2004 (6) Final Low Ping Chart 2004 (9)
Screenshots - Score Shots 2004

Best Score in 1 min: Moby Dick 10

29010 Hits

Best Score in 3 mins: Hybercube 33

28715 Hits

Best score in 1 min: Gigs 15

27377 Hits

Best Score in 3 mins: Kose' 34

27714 Hits

Best score in 10 mins: Fill 86

28368 Hits
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