
  333 Memebers: Insanity - 9/8/2024 6:39:07 AM CET   
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Nice final score for nashua of tsw 109 in 20 minutes!! gg

Real Name  Przemysław
Also known  Undeadfck, tOmAtO, N00B, Giiz
Location  Pruszków - Poland
Born  1982
Sex  male
I like  333 mates :D ,food cooking\eating<3
 kebab\drinking :P, music, books, movies
 games specially the oldies :)), cats :),
 opposite sex offcourse 8-), learning new
 stuff i like thing that bring me fun :).
I dislike  Too many things to write :P obviously i hate
 my temper and my brain ;)
Fav. Motto  There are always other ways.



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